What is a Cell?
Cells are subsets of our members who collaborate on tasks. They are created by consensus at our community meetings, and they all have anchors. Anchors are the point people, they have volunteered to keep the group moving forward on its goals with gentle reminders and action. These positions can and should be replaced at the yearly meeting as much as possible; this is a part of our commitment to shared and shifting leadership. Members can belong to and anchor multiple cells at a time. Joining a cell can be a great way to form friendships with other witches, so feel free to jump in!
Reclaiming Pittsburgh Cells
Media Cell
We run the website and social media This means making announcements, replying to comments and messages, making blog posts, answering emails, and sometimes devolving into exchanges of plant pics on the secret chat.
Ritual Planning
These witches plan and put on 4 rituals a year, roughly one per season. They develop the rituals based on the story or theme chosen at the October yearly meeting. This cell plans 4 rituals a year at minimum and is dedicated to training new priestesses of all genders.
Skillshare Coordinator
This role in our community facilitates the scheduling and facilitation of Skillshares. Skillshares are mini-workshops. We want to give as many witches as possible the chance to share what we know. The Skillshare coordinator has a goal of having at least one monthly skillshare. If you’re interested in hosting a skillshare, please contact the media cell to help promote your offering.
This is not a cell, but a role within our community. These anchors track incoming and outgoing funds. They are also responsible for creating processes by which reimbursements can be given to people who front money for venues and supplies.
Cells that are currently on hiatus
Activism Cell
These fine witches are in charge of creating a wild and sacred ruckus. They inform the rest of the community when activism is happening, represent us in coalitions, and organize direct actions that are in line with our community values. This cell is currently dissolved, but may pick back up again someday.
House Elves
Before and after each event, this cell to clean the space and try to make it as accessible as possible for our members.
Fundraising cell does just that: they raise funds for various community uses, though their main concern is a scholarship fund for people to attend workshops.