Elements of Magic is the first Reclaiming Witchcraft Core Class. It is, to my knowledge, the only one allowed to be a prerequisite for other Core Classes. lnxc;vasbabs;vh I took my first Elements of Magic when I was 20 years old. Since then I have taken it 3 additional times. It is always a time…
Category: meeting
Public Ritual February 24 – Thank you to all those who attended!
“I who am the beauty of the green earth and white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters. I call upon your souls to arise and come unto me.“ Join us for our February 24th, 2024 ritual as we begin our journey of creation with the Star Goddess. The ritual will take…
Community Meeting 10/15/20
Dearest Community, it’s time again to do a community meeting! We did a poll and the results were as follows: We shall meet on October 15 at 7:30pm eastern time We are utilizing a new tool! Google Meet! meet.google.com/zts-mffa-utw (copy and paste this into your browser URL at the time of the meeting to join)…
2020 Story/Theme Packet
Our story/theme submission packet for 2020 is ready! Please review ahead of our community meeting on 12/29 so that we can pick a story/theme for our community! Packet is found here.
Upcoming Community Meeting Details
The results of our doodle poll have come in and we’ve chosen a new date and location for our community meeting. Here are all the important details you need! Date: Saturday, December 22, 2018 Time: 1-6pm – It is highly unlikely that we will take this amount of time. We have blocked this amount of…
Postponed Annual Meeting Rescheduling
Dear Ones, Critter and Juniper have taken the lead on rescheduling and anchoring the Annual Meeting that we postponed recently. In order to do this, we ask that community members fill out the doodle poll to help choose a date. https://doodle.com/poll/irgfuhs7migk4uk9 Poll closes in 10 days on November 12, 2018.
Story Bundle for 2019 Released
Greetings fine folks! Our story submission bundle is ready for your reading pleasure! You can read them here. These will be discussed and we will come to consensus about which one we will use for our 2019 ritual year at our upcoming community meeting on October 28, 2019.
Agenda Setting for 10/26 Community Meeting
As our community meeting approaches, you, as community member, have an opportunity to add proposals to our agenda via a Google Form. This form closes on October 21, 2018. The person who submits the proposal needs to be prepared to present it at the community meeting. All responses to this form are publicly view-able once…